Embracing heritage and healing: a South Asian doctor's journey

Published: 21/07/2023 | Author: Dr Sunil Kumar

Welcome to South Asian Heritage Month 2023, a time dedicated to celebrating the rich tapestry of stories that define our diverse community. This year's theme, 'Stories to Tell', offers an opportunity for reflection, connection, and a celebration of the moments that have shaped our lives.

As a South Asian doctor who migrated from India, an SAS Anaesthetist, and a Council member at the College, I am excited to share my personal experiences and the valuable lessons they have taught me.

Moments that shape our lives

Our lives are an amalgamation of significant moments that define who we are today. For me, the decision to migrate from India to further my medical career in a foreign land was a transformative choice. Leaving behind the familiarity of my homeland, family, and culture was both daunting and exhilarating. This pivotal moment shaped my resilience, adaptability, and deepened my appreciation for the rich heritage I carry with me.

The challenges and valuable lessons

Life presents us with various challenges, and it is through these challenges that we learn some of our most valuable lessons. As a South Asian doctor, I faced numerous obstacles during my medical journey, from adapting to a new healthcare system to navigating cultural differences. However, each hurdle provided an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

One lesson that stands out is the importance of cultural competency in healthcare. Working with diverse patient populations, I realised the significance of understanding and respecting cultural beliefs, traditions, and values. This awareness allows for more effective communication, builds trust, and fosters a healing environment where patients feel seen, heard, and respected.

Another valuable lesson I learned is the power of collaboration and community. As a Council member at the College, I witnessed the strength that comes from uniting diverse voices and experiences. Together, we advocate for the needs of our South Asian community, address disparities in healthcare, and create inclusive spaces where everyone's story is heard and valued.

Your story matters

No matter who you are, your story is important. South Asian Heritage Month 2023 invites each one of us to share our experiences, perspectives, and journeys. By doing so, we foster connections, bridge gaps, and create a deeper understanding of our collective heritage. Your story is a thread that weaves into the fabric of our community, adding richness, diversity, and resilience.

Whether you express yourself through art, music, writing, or conversation, your story deserves to be celebrated. It is through these shared narratives that we find common ground, break down stereotypes, and build bridges of empathy and understanding.

As South Asian Heritage Month 2023 unfolds, let us come together as a community to honour and share our stories. As a South Asian doctor who migrated from India, an anaesthetist, and a Council member, I invite you to reflect on the moments that have shaped your life and the valuable lessons you've learned. Your unique experiences and perspectives contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our South Asian heritage.

No matter who you are or where you come from, your voice matters. By sharing our stories, we inspire, empower, and create a sense of belonging within our community. Let us celebrate our diverse heritage, embrace our interconnectedness, and pave the way for a future that values and uplifts the voices of all.